Saturday, March 3, 2012

Little Helper

This has been Croix's name lately, my little helper. Which is great and good most of the time. Of course it's always easier and faster to do things myself. But I know he needs to learn and I might as well take advantage of his helpful spirit while he still has it. Some of his helpfulness is encouraged, some, discouraged, and some a surprise.

He's helped give Daddy a massage

Helped me do the dishes
(dang self timer focus!)
And wash a helicopter

Make sure everyone (including Woody) is fed.  He loves to help cook!  The other day we ended up with a little pepper in our sugar cookies, good thing we couldn't really tell.

Sweeping the floor with my baster

Making sure the toilet paper is protected by the best sheriff around.
He helps out with loading the dishewasher
Mater and Francesco, loaded and ready for the wash

He also helps with the laundry
Scout, Thomas, Clarabelle & Annie, Not pictured were also Francesco and Mater, they must be dirty.
He loves to close the microwave door and push start.
I love my little man and the helper he is becoming.  He's doing so well at cleaning up.  He'll take his dishes over to the sink after meal.  Never gives me a hard time about cleaning up (unless he's not done playing).  He is a sweet boy!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

We have the windows open

We have the windows open to cool it down. Croix heard what sounded like some kids. He starts yelling friends! Runs out side friends, friends!

Monday, January 23, 2012

This morning I sat Croix on my lap facing me. We just sat and talked about a few things. We talked about getting ready for the day, going to dance class, what he likes to do in dance, he was pointing at eyes, nose etc on my face. He was also playing with my hair, something he's taken to doing lately. Then he just leaned up and gave me a big hug. It was sucha sweet, yet typical moment for us. I found myself feeling a twing of sadness. It's become a bit familar lately. A slight sadness to know that the days just the two of us are numbered. Don't get me wrong, I couldnt be more thrilled to be pregnant or excited to have a new baby. I know Croix will love being a big brother! But there is something so special about all this 1 on 1 time with Croix. Just a tiny bit sad to know it's almost over. The excitement and happiness far out weigh the sadness, but I guess it's just surprising to me that
there is any sadness at all.

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